
Barrier Field




ReinHardt Hero Guide

Reinhardt is arguably the most easy to grasp of all the tank archetypes currently available in Overwatch. He has the gift of a massive shield, behind which his allies can hide as the entire team pushes their way through the map, he wields a massive hammer that not only smashes damage into multiple foes at once but also knocks them back, and he packs a generous health pool to boot. All in all there's a lot to like about this character, and he's a hero that comes highly recommended to tanking newcomers. Let's check out his abilities in-depth:
Reduces the initial velocity from knock back effects by 50%. For example, Soundwave sends its victims back 17 m/s, but for Reinhardt, it is 8.5 m/s. The distance in which Reinhardt is knocked back is NOT reduced by 50%; it is reduced by more. This is because the velocity has to accelerate back to normal; a higher initial velocity means more time at higher velocities and more time with a velocity in general. Does not affect Halt!, Chain Hook, Graviton Surge, or Gravitic Flux because they are not knock back effects.
Reinhardt’s shield is by far the best true tanking tool in the game. On defense, you will usually be shielding and waiting for the enemy to initiate or make a mistake which will let you initiate on them. On offense, you’ll want to push into the enemy with shield up and, depending on the enemy’s composition and Ultimate status, you can either Charge, swing your hammer for free damage, or zone using the shield. If they have a Reinhardt and no Ultimates, it’s usually best to go for a Charge on the enemy Rein and have your team follow you in. If they have Reinhardt and Ultimate, you’ll have to zone and focus on their Reinhardt, while making sure you can block his Earthshatter if he chooses to use it. How much value you can get with the shield is partly up to your team, but largely on you as the player! Here are some general tips to maximize effectiveness:
Reinhardt can turn while charging but his control is reduced. If Charge directly collides with an enemy, that enemy is "pinned" (stunned), and if they hit a wall, the pinned target takes 300 damage. If Charge ends before hitting a wall, no damage is inflicted, but the target will remain stunned for an additional 0.65 seconds. Only 1 enemy can be pinned at a time. If Charge indirectly collides with an enemy, or if there is already a target pinned, the enemy is knocked away and takes 50 damage. If Charge collides with Rocket Punch, Shield Bash, a charging B.O.B., or another Charge, both participants get knocked down for 2 seconds. Any pinned targets will be damaged as if they hit a wall.
Reinhardt passively generates 1% Ult Charge every 3.08 seconds. Requires line of sight. Earthshatter has a small amount of vertical height (2 meters), allowing it to affect enemies in the air or on the payload.